Homeless Prevention

HRI and a collaborative of community partners including the City of Kalamazoo District Court and the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services operates the Eviction Diversion Program, to help qualifying tenants avoid eviction and to help landlords avoid the expensive eviction process.

Homeless Assistance

Fortunately, homelessness among families is typically not a long-term experience. Many families who enter shelter are able to quickly exit with little or no assistance and never return. Some families, however, require more intensive assistance.

One of the most important strategies for lifting families from homelessness is rapid re-housing. The more quickly families are connected with permanent housing, the more quickly their homelessness can be solved, and their lives can return to relative stability. Similarly, prevention strategies — in the form of cash assistance, housing subsidies, and other services — can avert homelessness before it starts.

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Housing Stabilization

Our housing stabilization services help people address the many problems that lead to housing crises. Professional housing specialists offer information, referrals, case management and other services to renters facing short-term crises.

Longer-term, more intensive services are also available for families working toward self-sufficiency who have a member of their family living with a disability.

Housing Resources, Inc. is proud to be a United Way Agency and collaborates with many United Way partners to provide housing solutions for residents of Kalamazoo County.

HRI provides families who experienced homelessness in the past much needed post-shelter supports. With financial pressures reduced, participants take advantage of a constructive and supportive environment to increase the skills and emotional stability to build independent lives including:

  • Supportive services to address the barriers creating their housing crisis and promoting self-sufficiency such as collaborating with community agencies to provide:
    • Financial/Household Management
    • Employment Referrals
    • Education/Training
    • Transportation
    • Agency Referrals and Collaboration
  • Rent subsidies based on funding availability.
  • Establishment of individual goal plans and family success plans to prepare and maintain affordable housing of their own.
  • Permanent housing placement assistance.
  • Follow-up services.

Permanent Supportive Housing

HRI provides financial assistance and intensive case management for 55 scattered site rental units for families where a family member has a disabling condition.

For families chronically vulnerable to housing instability and repeat episodes of homelessness the combination of permanent, versus temporary, housing subsidies and supportive services is very effective.

Please contact HRI at 269-382-0287 directly to learn more about this program!

 Call HRI at 269-382-0287 during business hours Mon-Fri 8:30 am – 4:30 pm or dial 211 after business hours for more information.

foreclosure prevention southwest Michigan